RevRun Sponsorship 2025
Platinum Medal
Company reference to the event name, e.g., The 2025 Rev Run Sponsored by XXX Company;
Prominent logo and/or company name on all promotions and publicity, including print ads, press releases, race applications, T-shirts (subject to deadlines);
Display company banner(s) along race course AND start and finish lines (to be provided by the sponsoring company);
Company announced numerous times during race day festivities;
Logo with link to company website on;
10 Social Media Posts a month;
RevRun Email to runners via email with company logo at the bottom of the email;
Display table at race day event for handing out company information, products and giveaways;
Opportunity to start 10K or 5K races and present awards at Finish;
10 Lawn Signs with company logo (produced by UMBA);
10 Lawn Signs provided by company;
Opportunity for the sponsorship company to do One (1) 30 second video promotion for your company with reference to the Revolutionary Run (to be provided by the sponsoring company) for social media;
Up to three (3) promotional emails to runners and supporters (to be approved by the Rev Run Committee). The list of runners will NOT be released to any company due to data protection;
Logo and/or company name on 18” x 24” Mile Marker signs at mile markers 1 through 6 for the 10K race and mile markers 1 through 3 for the 5K race.
Brochure PDF profile of sponsorship company distributed online and email to all registrants.
Cost $6,000.00
Gold Medal
Priority listing of logo and/or company name on promotional material and T- shirts with other sponsors at the Gold Medal level (subject to deadlines);
Display company banner(s) along race course AND start and finish lines (to be provided by the sponsoring company);
Logo with link to company website on;
5 Social Media Posts a month;
RevRun Email to runners via email with company logo at the bottom of the email;
Display table at race day event for handing out company information, products and giveaways;
Opportunity to start 10K OR 5K Run and present 10K OR 5K awards;
5 Lawn Signs with company logo (produced by UMBA);
5 Lawn Signs provided by company;
Brochure PDF profile of sponsorship company distributed online and email to all registrants.
Cost $3,000.00
Silver Medal
Priority listing of logo and/or company name on promotional material and T- shirts with other sponsors at the Silver level (subject to deadlines);
Display company banner(s) along race course AND start and finish lines (to be provided by the sponsoring company);
Logo with link to company website on;
4 Social Media Posts a month;
RevRun Email to runners via email with company logo at the bottom of the email;
Display table at race day event for handing out company information, products, and giveaways;
4 Lawn Signs with company logo (produced by UMBA);
2 Lawn Signs provided by company;
Brochure PDF profile of sponsorship company distributed online and email to all registrants
Cost $1,500.00
Bronze Medal
Priority listing of logo and/or company name on promotional material and T- shirts with other sponsors at the Bronze level (subject to deadlines);
Display company banner(s) along race course AND start and finish lines (to be provided by the sponsoring company);
Logo with link to company website on;
4 Social Media Posts a month;
RevRun Email to runners via email with company logo at the bottom of the email;
Display table at race day event for handing out company information, products, and giveaways;
3 Lawn Signs with company logo (produced by UMBA);
2 Lawn Signs provided by company;
Brochure PDF profile of sponsorship company distributed online and email to all registrants.
Cost $1,000.00
Fun Run
Logo and/or company name on promotional material and T-shirts with other sponsors at the Fun Run level (subject to deadlines);
Display company banner(s) along race course AND start and finish lines (to be provided by the sponsoring company);
Logo with link to company website on;
Display table at race day event for handing out company information, products, and giveaways;
2 Lawn Signs with company logo (produced by UMBA).
Cost $500.00
Patron of Miles
Logo and/or company name on 18” x 24” Mile Marker signs at mile markers 1 through 6 for the 10K race and mile markers 1 through 3 for the 5K race.
Cost $250.00
Friends & Supporters
Your kind donation of any amount or in-kind gift is gratefully appreciated.