The Revolutionary Run story
In 1980, a local church started the Revolutionary Run to raise funds for the church and the Township.
In 1999 the Upper Makefield Business Association (UMBA) were asked to undertake the organization of the Revolutionary Run by Upper Makefield Township officials, since the church was no longer running the Revolutionary Run.
The Upper Makefield Business Association was and still is making the Revolutionary Run a Community Centerpiece Event with the Township proceeds to benefit the Township residents (Emergency services, etc) and the Upper Makefield Business Association annual scholarship fund and other non-profit activities.

Serving the Commuity since 1967
UMBA is a non-profit 501(c)(3), non-partisan association organized to stimulate interest in the development, promotion and public affairs of the Township and to promote good will and well-being throughout the community.
Our profits from fund raising is mainly used to award scholarships each year to students in the area. We also make donations back to the community when specific need arises.
Meetings are held every 2nd Wednesday of the Month at 6:30 PM, usually in the Washington Crossing Inn, Washington Crossing, Pennsylvania.
If you would like to attend one of our meetings please contact us at